Infrared Insulated Flat Roof Inspections
Insulated flat roof systems are found on the majority of commercial, industrial, and office buildings throughout Alberta. Unfortunately, flat roof systems are prone to leaks and this is the primary complaint with this type of roofing system. Undetected and/or unrepaired leaks can lead to costly structural or other damage and can result in a catastrophic failure such as a roof collapse. Additionally, flat roof systems are very expensive to replace.
Infrared Thermal Imaging can be used to detect sub-surface moisture in most flat roof systems. This type of infrared inspection is typically performed at sundown and when a roof surface is dry. Since areas where subsurface moisture is present have a higher thermal mass than dry areas, the wet areas release heat more slowly after the sun sets. This temperature variation can be detected with a quality thermal imager.
Infrared Flat Roof Inspections should be performed every 2 to 4 years depending on the age of the roof. This allows problem areas to be located and repaired before they develop into a large scale problem.
By utilizing our Infrared Flat Roof Inspection services for preventive maintenance purposes, repairs can be focused on problem areas only rather than having to replace the entire roof which can cost tens of thousands of dollars even on a small building. This service also helps to extend the life of the roof by providing the data necessary to perform regular maintenance.
Infrared Flat Roof Inspections should be performed every 2 to 4 years depending on the age of the roof. This allows problem areas to be located and repaired before they develop into a large scale problem.
By utilizing our Infrared Flat Roof Inspection services for preventive maintenance purposes, repairs can be focused on problem areas only rather than having to replace the entire roof which can cost tens of thousands of dollars even on a small building. This service also helps to extend the life of the roof by providing the data necessary to perform regular maintenance.
Since our Infrared Insulated Flat Roof Inspection services cost pennies per square foot compared to the high cost for a roof replacement, the long term cost benefits are significant.
For further information regarding this proven, cost saving service, please contact us and we would be happy to answer your questions and determine if this service would be effective for your specific flat roof system.
For further information regarding this proven, cost saving service, please contact us and we would be happy to answer your questions and determine if this service would be effective for your specific flat roof system.